Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My first week at the zoo!

First, a huge THANK YOU to Chris Churilla for getting me in touch with the zoo!  Without you I'd never have this amazing opportunity (and $30 in zoo bucks)!

I'm official!

The vet and techs seem to be excited that I'm there to answer/ research any compounding questions they have.  I am the first pharmacy student ever at the zoo, so hopefully it is a mutually beneficial experience!

My supplies for the month

Also, disclaimer: while I'm allowed to take pictures of treatments for my own use, I am not allowed to post any online.  I will try to post as many pictures of animals as I can...but don't expect to see any treatment photos on here.   Sorry!

New red panda earrings.  I think Xia will like them!

I also met a hickory horned devil

 In the new vet van on our way to pick up a cheetah

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